Bishop Jeremiah Masela Celebrates 40 Years of Priestly life

Bishop Jeremiah Masela’s 40 years of Priesthood celebration
The Diocese of Polokwane hosted a joyful and vibrant celebration in honour of their shepherd Bishop Jeremiah Masela’s 40th anniversary in priesthood on December 14, 2024. He was ordained to the priesthood on 15th December 1984; he was appointed as the Apostolic Administrator of the Diocese of Polokwane in 2011 and ordained as a bishop on 7th September 2013.
The Sacred Heart Cathedral of Polokwane was filled with joy and a celebratory mood as hundreds of the faithful gathered to celebrate this Ruby Jubilee. The anniversary Mass was celebrated by his Vicar general. Fr Clemens Selemela with all the religious of the diocese. The diocesan Seminarians served at the Mass, Br Bongane Hlaka, Br Brian Chabalala, Br Evans Sebola and Br Kgaogelo Baloyi served at the Mass whilst Br Mmereki Kgomo was participating in the band that led the Holy Mass with harmonious music. The Vicar-General’s homily was based on the following scripture readings Jeremiah 1: 4-10, Psalm 139: 13-18 and the Gospel of John chapter 21: verses 15-19.
In his opening remarks the Vicar general indicated that the number 40 has a significant meaning in our spiritual life, it can be traced back to the bible. He hailed bishop Masela for his collaborative and people-centred leadership style which gives his juniors a platform to explore and grow on their own with minimal interference and intervention. He added that the establishment of the Chancery, new churches and staffing is an indication of his vision to take the diocese to greater heights, he is a God sent shepherd leading the diocese to the land of milk and honey.
Reflecting on his long journey in the ministry Bishop Masela said ”Celebrating 40 years of priestly ministry and life brings back many pleasant and unpleasant memories and I am grateful for them all because they have made me into who I am today. It all began as a dream which is slowly but surely being realised. It involves so much personal effort to align my life with the will of God and I have come to a realisation that this would not have been possible without God’s help and the support of other people. It is with this in mind that I use the words from Psalms 124 and 127 to acknowledge God’s support and guidance along this journey and to express my gratitude: “If God had not been on our side, then water would have washed over us, the torrent gone over us, on our head would have swept the raging waters” (Psalm 124). “If the Lord does not build the house, in vain do its builders toil” (Psalm 127).
According to Bishop Masela, “Priesthood, like any vocation in life is personally fulfilling, but it has its own hardships, trials, and challenges which contribute towards the building of a strong character. There is a need therefore for one to strengthen one’s relationship with God through prayer which helps one to face these challenges. Love and respect for those entrusted to one’s pastoral care and acceptance of one’s gifts and strengths, limitations and weaknesses is very crucial. St Paul says: “Yet we who have this spiritual treasure are like common clay pots, in order to show that the supreme power belongs to God. We are often troubled, but not crushed, sometimes in doubt but never despair….” (2 Corinthians 4:7-8). While we do not have any idea as to what Paul is referring to when he says that he was given a “thorn in the flesh”, to prevent him from boasting, we are encouraged and put at ease by God’s answer to his request that the thorn be removed: “My grace is enough for you: for my power is at full strength in weakness”. It is with this assurance from God in mind that Paul says: “It is then about my weaknesses that I am happiest to boast, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me” (2 Corinthians 12:7-9”).
He paid tribute to his parents who allowed and supported him in responding to his priesthood calling, however; he was not sure if the late Father Peter Masela who was very close to his parents had an influence. He indicated that family is the breeding ground for morals and values, the way we perceive a person is a reflection of his/her family.
He pointed out that “there are numerous people beginning with my parents, members of my extended family, friends, those with whom I grew up, teachers from Primary school to Seminary formation, those I met, worked with, and served throughout my priestly ministry and life who have played a great role in shaping me into who I am today, and I am very grateful to them”.
“It is with this in mind that I humbly express my gratitude to the Clergy, Religious, and the Lay Faithful of our Diocese for making this celebration a success and I ask that you continue to pray for me” said Bishop Masela.
The chairperson of the diocesan Senate Father Godfrey Sekhaolelo on behalf of the clergy read and presented the long service Apostolic Blessing token from the Holy Father Pope Francis.
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