Were There Two Johns XXIII?
Question: Is it true that there have been two popes named John XXIII? Answer: Yes — in a way. We know of Angelo Roncalli, who reigned as...
Church / Church History / Question & Answer
by Admin · Published April 13, 2021 · Last modified April 12, 2021
Question: Is it true that there have been two popes named John XXIII? Answer: Yes — in a way. We know of Angelo Roncalli, who reigned as...
Ecumenical dialogue / Perspectives
by Evans Chama · Published June 7, 2015 · Last modified September 21, 2017
The late motivational speaker Leo Buscaglia said: The person who risks nothing, does nothing, has nothing, is nothing and becomes nothing. In this Oct. 4, 1962 file...