Evans Chama

All work must be for God

If work is to help people fulfil themselves and live with dignity, then recourse to God in the manner of doing work is indispensable — else  work...

Pillars of human dignity

The Catholic Church identifies three pillars of the dignity of the human person in a truly human society: the common good, subsidiarity and solidarity. These also form the...

The rights of the person

The Catholic social teaching is centred on the human person, especially in promoting human rights and dignity. Besides the Church, there are other organisations equally engaged in promoting...

Why the Church engages with the world

The Church is often reproached for remaining in the sacristy and never entering worldly affairs. In contrast, to some people it is like she oversteps her boundaries...

What we can learn from Book of Ruth

The story of Ruth is one of those beautiful, popular stories in the Bible, familiar even to children. However, this rich story is impoverished when we enjoy...