Prayer to the Most Holy Name of Jesus
Lately I have been inspired to write prayers to aid us in our daily struggles. Alongside the sacraments and Sacred Scripture, prayers accompany us in spiritual warfare. I find that they are in themselves a meditation and a stern call to repentance.
Prayer to the Most Holy Name of Jesus
Jesus our Lord, God revealed Himself to be “I Am” and so we believe that “He Is” and always “Will Be”.
In the message of an angel, You were called “Emmanuel”, and through Mary’s womb you are “God With Us”. You said: “Before Abraham came to be, I Am”. You are Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
Deliver us Lord from profaning Your Most Holy Name which we utter with our lips and hold in our hearts. May Your Name be ever only for Your praise and the contemplation of the salvation which it brings.
Deliver us from vulgarity and purify our tongues which at times curse against Your Holy Name. In our weakness, we may bring before you our unholy utterances spewing forth from our sinfulness. You are Christ the King, but with our mouths we desecrate Your Kingdom as did the soldiers crowning Your head with thorns. Save us from injecting insults and bring us to uphold Your Holy Name.
You are the Way, the Truth and the Life. Place under your feet Your enemies so that at the power of The Name every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord. Jesus, lover of souls and our Redeemer, You said: “Where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in their midst.” Send forth the Holy Spirit and unite the Church and all its members under Your Name.
Lord Jesus, in the name of God, the Father, You grant forgiveness of sins thus healing the sick. By Your Holy Name deliver us from evil and grant us Your peace and good health. Christ Our Lord, Jesus of Nazareth, even the demons know Your Name and shudder at Your presence; fill us with reverence and piety.
Lord Jesus, You questioned the apostles: “Who do you say that I am?” In this time of agony, still You ask this of us Your servants. May God the Father impart His wisdom to us as he did to St Peter that we may know that You are Christ the Son of God, for no flesh and blood can reveal this to us. Amen
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