Following the Light: Feast of the Epiphany
Sermon By Emmanuel Suntheni OSB – Epiphany – Year B
Sermon And Christian Act In The Word
Theme: Following the Light! “Have I found the light in 2024! “Jesus Christ who saves is the Light” ‘Finding the Light and Being the Light’
Point of Reflection: The word “Epiphany” comes from Greek, where this word means “to show oneself (appear)” or “to give light to”. The Epiphany is the feast of light and those who seek the light. What is the light that I follow in my daily life? Is it Christ? If not, then what is? In today’s reading, this guiding light symbolised by the star inevitably leads to Bethlehem, where God chose to show himself in human form. The knowledge of God’s plan was the light that guided his mission and directed his life. Are we ready to follow and live by the light? Do I recognise the glimpses of God’s light in me? Where do they lie? What is that thick darkness in me that is obstructing me from recognising the light of God?
First Reading: Isaiah 60:1–6
Psalm: Psalm 72:1–2, 7–8, 10–11, 12–13
Second Reading: Ephesians 3:2–3, 5–6
Gospel: Matthew 2:1–12
Sermon (Reflection): Light is a deeply meaningful symbol in the Bible and in Christian liturgy. Today’s feast employs this rich symbol to explain how God brings his plan of salvation to fruition in human history.
First, we encounter the symbol of light in the first reading of today which comes from the third part of the book of Isaiah, written shortly after the Israelites were allowed to return to their land from the Babylonian exile. In today’s passage, the prophet calls on Jerusalem to arise and radiate its light to the world. The city can and should do so because, in the words of Isaiah, “your light has come”, and “the glory of the Lord has risen upon you”. Light and glory are visible manifestations of God’s presence (Cf. Ezekiel 1:4; Exodus 24:15-17). The light which was foretold in the Old Testament by prophets is Christ himself who manifests himself in the New Testament.
From the reading we note that the once desolate and abandoned city can shine again because God has returned to it. We also read that the great procession of all nations will come to the city bearing their wealth as offerings. Among these offerings are gold and frankincense. Gold is a gift for a king, while frankincense is offered to a god. By explicitly naming these two gifts, Isaiah emphasises that the nations of the world will come to Jerusalem to acknowledge that the God who restored Jerusalem is also the King and God of all other nations. In the gospel of today we also encounter the offering of similar gifts. This is the work of God and we see the complementarity of Old Testament and New Testament.
The Gospel reading features the well-known story of the Magi. Contrary to popular belief, they were not kings, there might not have been three of them, and they were not particularly wise. They were certainly not kings. King Herod treated them as servants, sending them to Bethlehem, and asking them to report back to him. Such treatment would have been impossible had they been kings like himself. Matthew never says that there were three Magi. The number three is an assumption based on the number of gifts they offered, but there could have been many more in their group. They are often called “wise men”. However, while seeking the king of the Jews they seemed completely unaware of what every Jew would know and tell them – the king of the Jews was to be born in Bethlehem. Even more so, asking around Jerusalem about the king of Jews was rather foolish. King Herod who ruled Judea at the time was paranoid about losing his kingship, an obsession that was known to all. This was the king who had killed numerous members of his own family, including one of his wives and several of his sons, seeing them as potential threats to his rule. Asking about another king of the Jews at that time meant putting one’s life at risk.
Who then were these individuals? Matthew calls them “Magi”. Magi were magicians and astrologers, who interpreted natural signs such as star movements, the flight of birds, and other natural phenomena, to understand the will of the gods, or to predict the future. They were popular among the people, and often served rulers and kings as diviners. The magi who came to Jerusalem correctly interpreted the appearance of a star and followed it. They appear to have been honest seekers, able to see and interpret the heavenly sign. Responding to it, they came to pay homage and offer their services to the newborn king.
Matthew tells their story with a clear purpose. He wanted to show that the Gentiles who honestly seek God can see and understand God’s signs, which will ultimately draw them to Jesus. Coming to Jesus, they offered him three gifts that befit his identity – gold for the King, frankincense for God, and myrrh for a human being. The gifts demonstrated that the Magi understood who Jesus is. They found the true light of the world, Jesus the Messiah, by being attentive to the signs which God provided.
In the second reading which comes from the letter to the Ephesians, Paul contrasts knowledge with ignorance and concentrates on the transition from unknowing to knowing. There is a clear parallel here with the transition from darkness to light described by Isaiah. But the key issue addressed in Ephesians is that of Church membership. One of the difficult questions faced by the early Church was whether a non-Jew, that is a Gentile, could be counted among God’s people. Paul answers this question in a very definite and decisive way. He argues that God always intended to include the Gentiles among his chosen people. He speaks of God’s plan of inclusion as “the mystery”. It is a mystery because, prior to the coming of Christ, it was presumed that only the Jews and those few converted to Judaism could be counted among God’s people. However, the mystery of God’s true plan of inclusion was revealed to Paul, to other apostles, and to the Christian prophets. Equally, becoming a member of this inclusive Jewish-Gentile community meant coming to a God-designed home, the Christian community, and finding there the light of true knowledge.
We are one in Christ if we follow and live by the light.
Christian Act in Word of God “May I also be the Light”
The feast of Epiphany summons us to reflect on the theme of “following the light”. Jesus declared that he is the light of the world (John 8:12) and has given us instruction on how to be the light ourselves.
As Christians, first, we must thank God for giving us his Son as the true light for our lives, the one who illuminates our path on the life-long journey to be united with him. The prophet Isaiah knew very well how much his people needed the light of hope to survive the tragedy of exile. Hence, he spoke about Jerusalem as the light of hope, assuring his people that God will restore their beloved city, and the thick darkness of the exile would be removed. Many times, just like the people of Israel, we may have thick darkness covering us. The darkness of frustration in school, workplaces, and in our families. It could also be the darkness of drugs or alcohol. It could be thick darkness where we may have lost everything or everyone because of tribal wars and conflicts, which continue to plague our continent, and indeed the whole world. A constant threat of terror and crime is another terrifying shadow that hangs over many African lives.
Amidst all these dangers, we are reminded not to lose hope because God will shine his light and make his presence felt.
As Christians, we have a tremendous advantage in having the examples of Isaiah, Paul, and the wise men pointing us in the right direction in our search, thus, towards Jesus Christ. Since we know where the true light can be found, it is our duty to share and radiate this knowledge as the light for the world. Notice that light is attractive in itself. Thus, the light of God that will shine through us will attract others to come to the light. For the people of Israel and for the wise men the light and glory of God was a source of transformation. When we radiate God’s light to the world, we can also become the source of such transformation for others. As Christians, may we be transformed and always follow the light, by following the light, we also become the light for each other.
Action: During this week, I will find ways to be “the light” to my family, friends and others I come in contact with.
Prayer: God our Father, we thank you for sending your Son to be our light. Help us to recognise the darkness that invades our lives and defeat it with the power of your light and hope. May your light shine through us so that others may see and glorify you in us. Inflame us with your unfading light. Help us always to shine as light wherever we are. May your light shine and overcome the darkness of our hearts. We make our prayers through Christ our Lord, Amen.
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