May 2001

Morality in popular culture

Popular culture has in past few decades created a mindset that often is at odds with scriptural ethics. The advent of the so-called reality shows such as...

Progressives vs Conservatives

This month’s pilgrimage by Pope John Paul to Greece and Syria will stand alongside his Jubilee Year journey to the Holy Land as defining moments in ecumenical...

Honesty is our best policy

Archbishop John Foley, president of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications, has many anecdotes to tell about his days as a Catholic journalist in the United States....

Heal Lefebvrist schism

Discussions between the Vatican and the Society of St Pius X (SSPX) the traditionalist followers of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre with a view to healing the 13-year-old split...

Paedophiles in the clergy: Break the silence

Cardinal Wilfrid Napiers condemnation of what he termed “a certain culture of silence” surrounding the question of sexual abuse inside the Catholic Church signifies the profound shift...