April 2003

The Eucharist at the Centre

Pope John Paul’s 14th encyclical, Eccelesia de Eucharastia, can be described as the almost 83-year-old pontiff’s love letter to the Eucharist, one that reflects, in a most...

Will the US lose peace?

Last week we reported the view of US-based Bishop Ibrahim N Ibrahim, an Iraqi national, that while the US would win the war, it would lose the...

A challenge to love

It is a sad fact that many Catholics could not attend some of the solemn ceremonies of the past Holy Week because they felt unsafe to go...

Divided in Communion

On Holy Thursday we contemplate the institution of the Eucharist at the Last Supper. This may be an opportune occasion also to reflect on the division among...

War not in our name

The unilateral decision by the United States and Britain to invade Iraq inevitably will have enduring repercussions, whichever way the war goes. By ignoring the will of...