October 2006

Same-sex unions will need pastoral solutions

The Catholic hierarchy of Southern Africa has now made its submission to parliament’s portfolio committee on home affairs on the question of same-sex unions, stating the Church’s...

New mission frontiers

This week the Catholic Church around the world observes World Mission Sunday. It is a day when we are called to concentrate our prayers on the Church’s...


Saving the earth, one song at a time, is the driving force behind the well-meaning Gaia compilation. Created by French songwriter and producer Alan Simon, the DVD/CD...

Betrayal of Democracy

In his 1991 encyclical Centesimus annus, Pope John Paul II wrote that the Catholic Church values the democratic system inasmuch as it ensures the participation of citizens...

Clearing a Pope’s Name

Can Pope Pius XII still be rehabilitated from the calumny of being dubbed Hitlers pope? Newly released documents from the Vatican Secret Archives suggest that the case...

An unwelcome welcome

Reports of guests in our country being attacked, often lethally, by South Africans should be a cause for serious alarm. It is not acceptable that the state...