July 2015

Mass Readings: August 2-9, 2015

Liturgical Calendar Year B, Weekdays Cycle Year 1 18th Week, Ordinary time Sunday August 2 Exodus 16:2-4, 12-15, Psalms 8:3-4.23-25.54,Ephesians 4:17.20-24, John 6:24-35   Monday August 3...

An Economy where People Matter

From Antonio G Tonin, East London Your editorial “An economic revolution?” (July 15) was very thought-provoking, and is asking for a radically serious and different form of...

This Week’s Issue

– Long journey from car guard to lawyer – Bishop Phalana reflects on Daswa – Eight things to know about Pope Francis – Sodality’s R160,000 gift to...

At Last: A Saint of our Own!

On September 13, the Church will beatify the South African martyr Benedict Daswa. BISHOP VICTOR PHALANA of Klerksdorp reflects on this great event for our local Church....

The Mandela Cult

A recent opinion piece in the secular press by a young writer took issue with the Mandelification of the struggle. In her Sunday Independent article, Mailaka wa...

Pray with the Pope – August 2015

General Intention: That volunteers may give themselves generously to the service of the needy. Missionary Intention: That setting aside our very selves we may learn to be...