Prayer for Peace in the Holy Land and other War-torn countries
At its meeting from the 7th to the 9th of November 2023 in Lumko Institute, Benoni, the Southern African Catholic Bishops’ Conference Administrative Board noted with great sadness the escalating intensity of war in the Gaza Strip and West Bank resulting in numbers of civilians being killed estimated now to be over 10.000 and continuing to grow.
The number of Journalists and United Nations Staff being killed in Gaza is also reported to be growing.
The Hamas’ gruesome attack and killing of Israeli civilians, including children and the elderly, sparked off this present version of defence by the Israeli army, which in practice does not differentiate between the innocent civilians and the targeted Hamas. This killing of civilians by both sides against all conventions of war indicates a level of hatred that both sides are not able to control but instead are controlled by it.
For this reason, the Board, on behalf of the SACBC, encourages and supports all efforts of engagement with Israeli authorities for a reasonable manner of dealing with this situation in such a way that the lives of innocent civilians, children, the elderly and women are saved. We reecho the appeal to the simple truth that two wrongs do not make a right.
Furthermore, the Board invites all the bishops of the Conference area and their Dioceses for continuous prayer for peace in the land of the birth of our Lord. We are moved and inspired by the example of the Lord, who loved and appreciated the humanity of everyone regardless of nationality; as St. Paul affirms, “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus” (Gal. 3:28).
While thankful for the comprehensive coverage of the war in the Gaza Strip, which significantly contributes to the heightened awareness of the woeful suffering of civilians there, there are also many other war-torn areas in Africa (e.g., Sudan, DRC, Burkina Faso, etc.) and other parts of the world that are not so well-covered by the media. These areas, too, are to be included in the prayer intentions for peace.
For a once-off united act of prayer for peace, the Board proposes that on the Feast of Christ the King (26 Nov), the Prince of Peace, all parishes in the Conference area pray for Peace in the Holy Land and other war-torn areas. It is suggested that the petitions of that day close with St. Francis of Assisi’s prayer of peace. After that, parishes are free to return to their schedule of prayer intentions.
Let us all unite in praying not only for this present crisis but also for a just, peaceful and sustainable resolution to this long-standing tension between these two nations of the Holy Land.
May justice prevail among all people and lead to peaceful coexistence, Amen.
+Sithembele Sipuka
SACBC President
13 November 2023
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