August 2001

Zimbabwe’s equal opportunity tyranny

As Robert Mugabe and his Zanu-PF government continue to add one glum chapter after another to the distressing tale that is Zimbabwe’s history, the world seems at...

Sex and money

There is no more compelling argument than the cliché, “the oldest profession in the world”, to persuade us that the problem of prostitution is unlikely to disappear.

Those Pius XXII papers

At first glance, the self-imposed suspension of further research by the Jewish-Catholic study group exploring the wartime record of Pope Pius XII may seem like an academic...

Catholic schooling excellence

In this issue, we devote eight pages to Catholic schooling, asserting its positive distinctions. We do so not simply because these schools bear the Catholic label, but...

Archbishop Hurley: A great man’s 50 years

The greatest cardinal the Church never had. This assertion is frequently applied to Archbishop Emeritus Denis Hurley, who celebrates the 50th anniversary of his ordination as archbishop...