March 2004

The Passion of the Christ

In The Passion of the Christ, Mel Gibson has presented the account of Christ’s passion with fidelity to the gospels, augmented by scenes in which the director...

Animal Prayers

ANIMAL PRAYERS by Margaret Roberts. New Africa Books, Cape Town, 2003. R79,95 Reviewed by Cyril Mack

To fight terror

Witnesses describing the scene of the monstrous terror attack in Madrid told of the ceaseless ringing of cellphones, many presumably chiming a happy tune, as families desperately...

Speak up on Zim, Mr Mbeki

The renewed commitment by churches in Zimbabwe and South Africa to contribute to a resolution to the crisis in Zimbabwe is a welcome sign of progress.

Tutu: God Has A Dream

GOD HAS A DREAM: A Vision of Hope for Our Time. By Desmond Tutu. Random House, Parktown. 2004. 134pp. Reviewed by Gunther Simmermacher God loves us, and we...

Abuse: Is the crisis over?

The two reports commissioned by the US bishops on the clergy abuse crisis in the United States may be difficult reading for Catholics. At the same time...

Catholics and Politics

The perfect Catholic politician would be, by inclination and in practice, solidly pro-life and pro-family. He (or, indeed, she) would campaign against abortion, euthanasia and capital punishment...