May 2006

Zuma: Democracy’s growing pain

Events in South African politics over the next few months will doubtless be pivotal in establishing who will succeed President Thabo Mbeki when his term of office...

While the earth is dying

The excesses of the industrial worlds lifestyle will have the most devastating effect on the poor in sub-Saharan Africa. This includes our region. The consequences of global...

The Vatican and condoms

NEWS that the Vatican is working on a document intended to clarify the Church’s teaching on the use of condoms in the context Aids prevention must be...

Da Vinci Code: The upside

This month will see the release of the movie version of the controversial and over-publicised Dan Brown novel The Da Vinci Code, with all the attendant hype...

The Nature of Vocations

A vocation, as Pope Benedict said earlier this year, is akin to works of charity. The person in the consecrated life and the lay person engaged in...