August 2007

Being media literate

In his message for World Communications Day this year, Pope Benedict calls on parents, schools and the Church to provide young people with a sound formation which...

A body for the laity

Plans mooted in this issue by Archbishop Buti Tlhagale, president of the Southern African Catholic Bishops’ Conference (SACBC), to establish a conference-wide organisation for the laity in...

An end to TV porn and swearing?

There are encouraging signs that South Africans are not only growing increasingly weary of the deluge of profanity, bad language and sex on television, the movies and...

The role of the laity

Evangelisation begins at home, within the family and the parish community. While it is important to bring the Good News to people who have not yet absorbed...

HIV/AIDS: A call to Action

HIV/Aids: A Call to Action — Responding as Christians, by Bishop Hugh Slattery. Paulines Publications Africa, Nairobi. 2007. 135pp. Reviewed by Michail Rassool

Shawn McDonald – Scattered Pieces: Live

CD REVIEW A smalltime drug-dealer before he found his faith, Shawn McDonald sings about the joys and pains of life and of God’s influence with an authenticity...

New friendships

In the space of just over a decade, the definition of friendship has assumed new forms which are a boon to society, but also pose hazards. The...

Equal and fair

A headline I came across in a netsearch read: “AA: white women benefit most”. First I thought AA was Alcoholics Anonymous, or the Automobile Association. Only then...