March 2008

Zim elections: A veneer of credibility

Unless something quite remarkable should happen, this weekend’s elections in Zimbabwe will see Robert Mugabe returned to the presidency by a robust margin. The international election observers...

God’s alarming gift

On Easter morning, after the horror of Friday and desolation of Saturday, we arrive at the tomb, with the women, to find the stone rolled away from...

The joy of his love

Give us the joy of your love. These words of a responsorial psalm one day during last Advent touched me particularly. I printed it out, added a...


Hosanna! The crowds in Jerusalem afforded Jesus an euphoric entry into Jerusalem. Within five days, a blink of the eye in a lifetime, Jesus died an unheralded...

A chance debate

I have a friend who is a non-practising rabbi and an atheist. He recently visited me from New York City. He is enjoying his Kiddushin—a period of...

Better preaching

Spare a thought for the poor priest who must prepare a homily, often every week, which will not only grab his congregation’s attention, but also communicate matters...