January 2013

Schools need Catholic foundation

From John Lee, Johannesburg Congratulations to our Catholic schools for the good results achieved for their matric students. I also promise to pray for André Gildenhuys (“Catechism...

Is Daswa SA’s first Saint?

The sainthood cause for Benedict Daswa is the first for a South African-born Catholic. CLAIRE MATHIESON learns more about his life. Benedict Daswas car was trashed by...

Logic and fallacy

Guest editorial by MICHAEL SHACKLETON Peter Abelard, the 12th century writer, noted in his work Dialectica that logic is not the science of using arguments but of...

Why the Church engages with the world

The Church is often reproached for remaining in the sacristy and never entering worldly affairs. In contrast, to some people it is like she oversteps her boundaries...

Why All the Sad Statues?

From Heather Withers, Johannesburg – Why is it that all the icons we have in our churches and historical paintings and books display sad-looking saints, angels and even...

Scorched earth Catholics

Earlier this month The Southern Cross took the difficult decision to suspend the comments facility on its website. The comments section was intended to serve as a...