We Are in the End Times
John Lee, Johannesburg – I believe the Church is going through a final stage. The end times. In the very darkest days and hours, in what is certainly an apostasy of sorts, if not the Great Apostasy of Scripture, the seeds of a new evangelisation are also being sown.
There certainly seems to be an intensification in the work of the evil one: perhaps he knows his days are short. The unbelievable proliferation of the heinous crime of abortion — the merciless killing of God’s innocent ones, worldwide — and the number of those who do not know Christ and do not belong to the Church, or practise the faith, is constantly on the increase.
Secularism almost double since Vatican II
Since the end of Vatican Council II it has almost doubled.
Truly, the moment has come for the Church to commit all her energies to the new evangelisation and each of us has to be a radical part of it. The Church exists in order to evangelise (Mt 28:19). No believer in Christ can avoid this supreme duty.
The brutal persecution and sufferings of Christian and other religious communities in the Middle East has reached catastrophic proportions.
We do not evangelise only by the example of a good life. We need to give an unequivocal proclamation of the Lord Jesus Christ so that listeners know where the power and truth we proclaim have their origin — from the Lord and his Spirit. St Paul is clear: “For woe to me if I do not preach the Gospel” (1 Cor 9:18).
Pornography is Destroying Society
Preteens and young teenagers are being enslaved by pornography, not to mention marriages destroyed, especially through the Internet.
Amazingly, the media coverage of the 1994 Southern California earthquake failed to mention that the quake’s epicentre was the hub of America’s $3-billion X-rated video industry.
The triangle formed by the San Fernando Valley communities of Chatsworth, Northridge and Canoga Park — tightly encircling the epicentre of the powerful quake — contained nearly 70 companies that cranked out more than 95% of the roughly 1400 pornographic videos made every year in the United States.
The devastation in California’s video Sodom was close to apocalyptic. Without exception, every company suffered major damage, much of it immobilising.
The most devastated was one of the giants of the industry. “It’s all over for them. Their whole operation is gone — all their equipment and all their masters” (New York Times news service, published in the Ann Arbor News, January 25, 1994).
Was the Californian devastation coincidence? I think not. He is coming to destroy “the covering that is cast over all peoples, the veil that is spread over all nations” (Is 25:7).
I believe the Church is going through a final stage. It can last awhile, but it’s a final stage.
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