From A Catholic Perspective: Sexuality, Women in Society, Technologies and Addictions
By Pietro Poggiali – The role of women in modern society, marriage and family life, the education of children in the era of screen technologies, gender ideology, sexuality, pornography, and addictions: we hear a great deal of discussion on all these issues throughout our society where we are greatly affected in our views by influencers who are quick to spread their opinions, usually very far from a Christian perspective on life and man.
But what is the Catholic Church’s teaching on these hot topics, which are often spoken too little about in our parishes? Is it possible to receive this teaching unfolded and presented by a well-informed and professional person of faith? Or shall we say: is there a doctor in the house?
The answer is yes. The Archdioceses of Cape Town and Pretoria were blessed to receive the visit of two such people: Dr Renato Versace, a renowned Italian surgeon and lecturer in bioethics at the Pontifical Lateran University in Rome, and his wife Anna, former athlete and expert in sports medicine. This Catholic couple, long-standing members of the Neocatechumenal Way, are not new to South Africa, as they have been invited several times to give lectures and seminars at the Redemptoris Mater Seminary in Cape Town, giving talks on different topics of interest in some of the local parishes. This time, however, they decided to dedicate their latest visit solely to delivering impactful conferences in schools, parishes and places of Catholic formation.
Their first appointment, on July 25, was at St John’s parish in Maitland, Cape Town on the topic “Marriage and family life”, promoted by the Centre for Pastoral Development aimed particularly at those involved in marriage and family ministry. Next, a fully packed calendar was waiting for them in Pretoria, where, after giving talks about the impact of technologies on children and the importance of women in the Church, in Brooklyn Montessori School and CBC Silverton respectively, they addressed the youth and young couples of St Martin de Porres parish in Sunnyside on topics concerning sexuality and addictions. They then visited St John Vianney Seminary to give a lecture on the challenges of priesthood in contemporary society, where about a hundred seminarians and formators, including the rector, welcomed them and participated with great interest.
The last two conferences were held in Cape Town with the titles “Marriage and children’s education” in St Ninian’s parish in Kuilsriver, and “Woman…Wife! Mother?”, in St Joseph’s parish in Goodwood. The local parish communities flocked to these meetings, delighted to hear not just a technical or informative talk but, most of all, a living witness and a clear announcement of Jesus Christ’s victory over all that destroys the beauty of love, family and the human body.
As Pope Francis continues to shout aloud so he can be heard in today’s world: “Salvation for humanity came from a woman’s body: how many times the woman’s body is sacrificed on the profane altars of advertising, profit, pornography; exploited as a surface to be used! It must be freed from consumerism, it must be respected and honoured.”
Thank you Renato and Anna for helping spread the Good News of Catholic teaching on family and sexuality in our communities!
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