Judith Turner

23 Thoughts From A Saint

February is known as the month of love. Well, mostly commercially, because it is month when most people celebrate Valentine’s Day. On this day love is expressed...

Consecrated by Circumstances

On a recent flight from Johannesburg to Cape Town, the flight attendant announced that there was a medical emergency on board and she asked whether there was...

When Life takes Detours

Travelling through Montagu in the Western Cape on Route 62 recently, I had to take a detour because of road works and mountain blasting between Montagu and...

Who’s who in the Conflict Zoo

Call it organisational conflict, office politics, or just plain drama, but few of us enjoy disagreement or confrontation, at work or elsewhere. In fact, many of us...

The Power of Storytelling

The evangelist Mark wrote of Jesus: “And he did not speak to them without a parable” (4:34). A parable is a simple story used to illustrate a...