Editorials 2015

Don’t Trust Every Word

An old adage has it that one should not trust everything one reads in the press. This holds true even more for information obtained from the Internet.

The Changing Mission

The third Sunday in October is one of the most important non-liturgical days in the Catholic Church’s year: it is World Mission Sunday.

Our Call to Dialogue

A keyword which underpins the dominant theme of Pope Francis’s pontificate — that of mercy — is revealing itself: dialogue.

Pope Francis, the Prophet

Guest editorial by Michael Shackleton It is only since Vatican II that the popes have become travellers. Pope Paul VI led the way in 1964 when he...

Heritage Day and the Future

Guest Editorial by Michael Shackleton Heritage Day in South Africa is celebrated this week to mark the contribution that South Africans of all cultures and backgrounds have...

Let’s talk about Sex

The bishops of Southern Africa must be commended for their new campaign against pornography, Pure love, not porn, and for the content of that initiative’s message. The...

Understanding the Bible

An old platitude has it that Catholics are ignorant of the Bible because they don’t read it. Whether or not that is true today merits some inspection,...