October 2004

The stem cell debate

When the Church developed the modern reasoning behind its teaching that all human life is sacred from the moment of conception, cloning was the stuff of science...

Eucharist and mission

Cardinal Jozef Tomko coined a phrase at the International Eucharistic Congress in Mexico that should endure in our minds during the Year of the Eucharist: “Ask who...

Failing the poor

South Africa’s clothing manufacturing industry is in a crisis. The stronger rand has affected export opportunities, while the local market is flooded with imported garments, especially from...

Salt – A World History

SALT: A World History, by Mark Kurlansky. Penguin, 2003. 496pp. Reviewed by Günther Simmermacher The history of the world up to the 1800s has been tied to...

Bush, Kerry and the Church

As the presidential election campaign in the United States enters its final phase, the American public – indeed, the whole world – is becoming increasingly polarised.