January 2007

The way of prophetic witness

In the space of one day in late January, the Church lost two of its remarkable sons, men who were quite different in many ways, yet also...

Venial vs Mortal Sin

At one time the Church defined mortal sin, which if not confessed can lead to hell, as a transgression involving grave matter, full knowledge thereof and full...

Abortion: A Christian response

As we note this week, February 1 marks the tenth anniversary of the Choice on Termination of Pregnancy Act taking effect in South Africa. Since that day,...

That we may be one

The Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity has issued its statement for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2007. This annual observance in January, takes place...

Switchfoot – Oh! Gravity.

Listen to the lyrics of Switchfoot’s sixth album, and you would hardly know that this is a recording of a Christian rock group. They are socially conscious...

Trusted Silence – Because Of You

CD REVIEW Trusted Silence is one of those Christian rock bands whose lyrics tend to be open to interpretation. Read through Christian eyes, most of the lyrics...

The porn effect

The government is to be commended for taking steps, through the Film and Publications Amendment Bill, to curb the availability of harmful media to young people especially....

Pope of surprises

Last month Catholic newspaper editors in the United States, polled by Catholic News Service in Washington, voted Pope Benedict as their Newsmaker of the Year 2006, a...