September 2010

Hats off to those who give!

Fr Emil Blaser OP, Radio Veritas Too often one hears that tired remark that people are suffering of donor fatigue. I’ve always held the view that the...

Whom to trust in faith?

BY DAVID BRATTSTON There is no obligation for a Christian to naively trust just anyone, in all circumstances. In fact, a healthy distrust—especially in religious matters—is encouraged...

An old model for modern women

BY COLLEEN CONSTABLE Our Catholic faith has no shortage of women saints and holy or pious women: the jewels of the Church; the special friends of Christ....

The power of doing good

After a particularly violent and destructive series of strikes and tragic news that swept this country, I looked desperately for some sign of unselfish South Africans who...

Media must be fixed

The bishops of Southern Africa have rightly protested against the transparent attempts by the African National Congress to place controls on the media. This newspaper last month...

On our doorstep: Banned

There currently is considerable debate and anxiety with regard to the African National Congress’ proposed Media Appeals Tribunal and the Protection of Information Bill.