A correct Christmas
Well, it’s only a month away from Christmas and once again the shops are full to bursting with toys and treats for young and old.
Well, it’s only a month away from Christmas and once again the shops are full to bursting with toys and treats for young and old.
BY BISHOP HUBERT BUCHER Bishop Hubert Bucher is the retired bishop of Bethlehem in the Free State. This is the first of his three-part series of reflections...
BY HENRI MAKORI Kenya’s The Star newspaper recently ran two major stories which, in my opinion, should have met with a strong and clear response from Catholic...
by Toni Rowland · Published November 28, 2010 · Last modified November 26, 2010
Preserve me… What immediately comes to mind on seeing these words? They are certainly biblical, and many of the psalms are in that vein. Some people, possibly...
Having focussed largely on Christian mission “to the ends of the earth”, the West is now turning inwards, to its own culture, to revive its flagging faith....
From: Mulambo Silio, Cape Town I couldn’t agree more with John Lee’s letter “Show lapsed Catholics Jesus” (October 27). Like Mr Lee’s relative, I have been trying...
When Pope Benedict in 2009 flew to Africa, he was asked about his views on HIV/Aids. He outlined the Church’s concern for those infected by the disease...
Many-handed Economists Economists are wont to say “on the one hand this… on the other hand that…”. What they are trying to is to hold different variables...
by Chris Moerdyk · Published November 21, 2010 · Last modified November 20, 2010
As we move towards Christmas, I have no doubt that the usual e-mail chain letters will start doing the rounds again on the subject of governments wanting...
by admin · Published November 21, 2010 · Last modified November 20, 2010
BY SIMEON BANDA FSS A western friend asked me recently: “Simeon, what is the view of old age among the Chewa people of Malawi?” It is an...