April 2012

Africa, evangelise yourself

BY BR SIMEON BANDA FMS Earlier this year eight Sisters of the Immaculate Conception congregation made their profession in Matola in Lichinga diocese in Mozambique, where I...

The beauty of the Rosary

The rosary is central to Catholic prayer life. Dominican BROTHER DAMAZIO NGOMA explains the benefits of praying the rosary, its mysteries and why the rosary must not...

Let us go beyond all earthly odds

From Jean de Dieu Kayinamura, Johannesburg The modern society we live in is characterised by self-centred attitudes, isolation and protectionism towards outside world and strangers. Among those...

What does the world REALLY know about you?

I regularly read the excellent online “newspaper” Daily Maverick. Many of the articles are thought provoking, and although I disagree with some of the conclusions, they certainly...

Church to Zuma: Send Secrecy Bill to Concourt

Excerpt from our front-page story by CLAIRE MATHIESON this week: President Jacob Zuma should use a presidential prerogative to send the Protection of State Information Bill to...

Sound trumpets, bang drums

This month’s column is about music and noise and celebration this time, as you will see. I don’t believe it is normally appropriate to blow one’s own...