July 2012

London churches aim high at Olympics

The peal of church bells across London for three minutes beginning at 8:12 am, July 27 signified that after seven years of intense preparation the 2012 Olympic...

Mass readings – 29 July – 5 August, 2012

Liturgical Calendar Year B Weekdays Year 2 Sunday, July 29, 17th Sunday 2 Kings 4:42-44, Psalm 145:10-11, 15-18, Ephesians 4:1-6, John 6:1-15 Monday, July 30, feria Jeremiah...

Plight of refugees in focus

Writers name withheld Thank you for sharing the sad story of Vanneaux Kongolo (“How Home Affairs broke refugee in SA, July 4). This tragedy should bring more...

The value of sports

For two weeks, the 30th edition of the modern Summer Olympics in London will bring to the forefront the diversity of sports. Much of the focus will...