
St Joseph’s Sodality Visits Lesotho

Men of St Joseph’s Sodality from St Peter Claver parish in Maokeng, Kroonstad, visited St Paul’s parish in Butha-Buthe, Lesotho. (Submitted by David Rasello)

St Vincent de Paul Society Says Thank you

The Society of St Vincent de Paul provided tea and eats to parishioners of the Immaculate Conception church in Pinetown, near Durban. This was done in gratitude for...

New CWL Members for Robersham Parish!

St John Bosco parish in Robertsham, Johannesburg, inaugurated new members into the Catholic Women’s League. Maria Morris (right), Johannesburg regional council CWL president, introduces the new members,...

19 New Members for St Joseph’s Sodality!

Nineteen men in Polokwane diocese of Limpopo province were inducted as full-status members of St Joseph’s Sodality and eight new members started their 12-months’ training. (Submitted by...