Who inspires you?
Do you ever feel really inspired? Inspired by whom? Or to do what? Do you ever believe that you inspire others? It is quite a feat, I...
by Toni Rowland · Published November 29, 2007 · Last modified September 8, 2017
Do you ever feel really inspired? Inspired by whom? Or to do what? Do you ever believe that you inspire others? It is quite a feat, I...
Many South Africans perhaps are experiencing a sense of Aids fatigue, especially among those not (yet) generally affected by the effects of the pandemic.
CD REVIEW The king of the middle of the road delivers his third album, and it does not stray far from the formula of the previous two:...
by Chris Moerdyk · Published November 28, 2007 · Last modified September 5, 2017
I’ve never been very good at thinking of the right thing to say at the right time except once, and that, I am convinced, had nothing to...
Television viewers with the means and inclination to tune into the latest instalment of the Big Brother Africa series, which ended this month, may have witnessed the...
by Fr Mathibela Sebothoma · Published November 21, 2007 · Last modified October 4, 2017
Every year Thandi Skhosana and Angy Mlilwane put up a Bethlehem Christmas nativity scene in their parish. Near the crib there is a collection box. Fellow parishioners...
TEN PLAYS FOR CHURCH, by Kevin Dodds. AuthorHouse, Bloomington, Indiana. 2007. 108pp. Reviewed by Michael Shackleton Kevin Dodds has a twofold love: the theatre and the Christian...
Conventional wisdom tends to hold religion responsible for most wars in history, with some ascribing religious motives to many conflicts even today. Such notions are sweeping generalisations....
Eucharist / Perspectives / Shackleton
by Michael Shackleton · Published November 14, 2007 · Last modified October 26, 2017
I learned to receive Communion on the tongue, which was the custom for past generations. Aids is transferred through bodily fluids (mucous membranes). The priest cannot deny...
by Emmanuel Ngara · Published November 14, 2007 · Last modified September 1, 2009
Father Themba Mafa, the principal of St Michael’s College, was watching a football match with a group of boys which included John, the head boy. Suddenly, something...