October 2008

Ballots, not blood

For South Africa’s young democracy, the split in the African National Congress represents a major test for the country’s capacity of tolerating political challenges. Our democracy may...

God in the Business World

God and Business The first two Commandments The first two commandments we find in the Bible are found in the sentence: “Be fruitful, fill the earth and...

Walking out of a homily

A while back a friend told me that she is considering writing a book called Silent Homilies. I told her that I have a sub-title: “Preaching to...

The war over creation

By Brian Jacoby A  battle over the creation of the world is currently being fought in the United States. Reportedly about 60% of Americans do not agree...

Cardinal Newman’s love

The rumpus caused by the proposed transfer of Cardinal Newman’s remains to Birmingham Oratory in England deserves comment.

Challenged parenthood

In traditional society, the authority of parents was unchallenged. It was assumed that parents possessed knowledge and wisdom which children could not claim to have. And not...

With Jesus in the suburbs

MY WALK WITH JESUS, by Gilbert MacDonald. Published by Melrose Books, Cambridgeshire. 2008. 186pp. Reviewed by Michael Shackleton The Cape Town suburb of Woodstock has a unique...

Missionary journey

EMPANDENI INTERLUDE 1899-1903, Journal of a Woman Missionary. Transcribed and edited by Sr Brigid Rose Tiernan. Cluster Publications, Pietermaritzburg. 2008. 178pp. Reviewed by Michael Shackleton