February 2009

Responsible votes

As South African voters prepare to go to the polls on April 22, they will be well advised to refer to the Catholic bishops’ pastoral statement “Awake!...

There but for God’s grace go I

The column of Chris Moerdyk How it might have been for Jesus on his visit to hell  warrants a response, perhaps by one of the priests who...

Awake! Awake! Protect Our Democracy

SACBC Pastoral Letter in preparation for South Africa’s Elections in 2009 “Awake! Awake! Protect Our Democracy” Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,  After 15 years of democracy,...

Catechism on a new wicket

The success of the South African cricketers in Australia recently will undoubtedly increase the interest of our youth in this great game. It also reminded me of...

Teachable moments

The theme for the 6th World Meeting of Families held recently in Mexico City was “Families as educators in human and Christian values”. But we could ask:...

The absence of love

IN his Lenten message, Pope Benedict urges Catholics to detach themselves from material goods and to give to the poor. When we “mortify our egoism and open...

Invite the angels

The celebrant of a Mass I attended recently said beliefs of many in our town in potions and icons to protect them were misplaced. It is Catholic...

Funding parties, buying favours

Elections, many argue, are won first in the media, then at the polls. The party that successfully saturates radio, television, print media and (increasingly today) online with...