August 2011

Spread the Good News

When Christ sent out his apostles to evangelise the world, the means of communication were their powers of verbal persuasion. In loud market places—often literally—they were able...

Can Africa escape its misery?

By Raymond Mwangala OMI In May 2000, the cover page of The Economist proclaimed Africa a “hopeless continent”.  Such negative and controversial characterisations of the continent are...

Navigating the church pew

There is nothing that appeals more to my innate sense of laziness than receiving e-mails from fellow Catholics who are able to put profound pen to paper...

Praying in the Congo

BY PULENG MATSANENG In June I travelled to Congo for an Apostleship of Prayer meeting in which representatives from 17 different African countries took part. It was...

The comfort of silence

I have always had this need for silence. It’s more like a need for isolation, not necessarily physical isolation, but mental or spiritual isolation. In my youth...

Saint’s family lives in South Africa

From Andre Martinaglia, Cape Town Few people know that relatives of St Alphonsus de Liguori, founder of the Redemptorist order, live in Boshoek, Rustenburg (whose diocese is...

Follow the word

With past experience as a benchmark, it is likely that Bible Sunday on August 28 will go by unnoticed in many parishes in Southern Africa, as will...

Quiet in Church please

BY COLLEEN CONSTABLE It is with a touch of nostalgia that I remember the advice a professor at one of the world’s leading universities abroad gave his...