The Lord’s Prayer put plainly
Bishop Ernest Baay SCJ Referring to Fr Johan Strydom’s letter of June 8, we could go much further in the updating of the Our Father. Many people...
Bishop Ernest Baay SCJ Referring to Fr Johan Strydom’s letter of June 8, we could go much further in the updating of the Our Father. Many people...
In his 2009 encyclical Caritas in Veritate (Charity in Truth), Pope Benedict said that businesses cannot be ethically neutral: either they serve the common good in all...
One of the greatest challenges facing our bishops right now, and one that will become more problematic in the future, is the shortage of parish priests. This...
We all use the mirror a lot. Everyday before we leave for work, we look at ourselves in the mirror. We want to make sure our faces...
From Name withheld Where Colleen Constable’s article “Does an abusive marriage call for divorce?” (June 1) is mistaken is that abuse is in fact always considered a...
The Church will observe World Priest Day on July 1, which comes shortly after the 60th anniversary of the ordination to the priesthood of Joseph Ratzinger, now...
A few weeks ago I invited readers of The Southern Cross to send in their stories of amusing incidents in church. I have been overwhelmed with the...
It was still during my early months at St Stephen’s parish, in the township of Kisenso in Kinshasa, capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo. To familiarise...
by Gunther Simmermacher · Published June 19, 2011 · Last modified March 16, 2012
Last month the Vatican hosted something quite new: the International Catholic Film Festival, which was held Rome from May 12-21. The festival placed a particular spotlight on...
Pope John Paul II is credited with the important saying: “Families become what you are, the little church of the home.”