March 2012

A priest found the big bang

From Patrick Dacey, Johannesburg Because of differing timescales that had been allocated to Genesis’ creation story, Bishop Usher, a 17th century Irish-Protestant bishop, decided to pinpoint the...

Worthy of Christ’s Love

During Holy Week, in our readings and our prayers and in the Stations of the Cross, we witness the single most powerful expression of love yet: Jesus’...

It is time to set the poor free

BY UDE EMMANUEL ENYINNAYA Those capitalists, politicians and others who claim to represent the poor but get salaries and allowances that are more than what hundreds of...

Are we using the right bible?

From Fr Wojciech Szypula SVD, Department of Theology, St Augustine College, Sr Judith Coyle IHM, Senior Lecturer & Coordinator: Pastoral Theology Recently there have been articles in...

The new nuncio

Since the departure in December by Archbishop James Green, the former apostolic nuncio to the Southern African region, local Catholics have awaited the announcement of the identity...

Loving the differences

BY REV MIKE KIRBY From our village on the south-east coast of the Eastern Province we get superb sightings of the stars, among which is the Southern...