June 2016

Only Jesus Can Change our Hearts

Recognising the needs of others is a sign of genuine conversion, which only happens when the heart is ready to be changed by Jesus “True conversion happens...

Why Are We So Indifferent?

Indifference and hostility can blind Christians from recognising Jesus in those most in need “This indifference and hostility can turn into aggression” toward people often marginalised by...

Mass Readings: 19 June – 26 June, 2016

Liturgical Calendar Year C, Weekdays Cycle Year 2 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time Sunday June 19 Zechariah 12:10-11; 13:1, Psalms 63:2-6, 8-9, Galatians 3:26-29, Luke 9:18-24 Monday...

Halftime in the Holy Year

We have passed the halfway point of the extraordinary Year of Mercy, and this presents us with a timely opportunity to take stock of the impact the...

Change Can Be a Good Thing

By Fr David Holdcroft SJ – The levels of migration out of the Middle East into Europe and elsewhere has achieved what many years of work by communications...