Sister Eleanor Wilkinson CSsR Rest in Peace
By Sr Ann Marie CSsR – Redemptoristine Sister Eleanor Wilkinson died on May 13 in Missouri in the US at the age of 85. Sr Eleanor headed...
By Sr Ann Marie CSsR – Redemptoristine Sister Eleanor Wilkinson died on May 13 in Missouri in the US at the age of 85. Sr Eleanor headed...
Bishops / Charity / Christian Living / Church / Crisis
by Kilian SC · Published April 17, 2020 · Last modified April 16, 2020
In an Easter letter to members of popular movements, Pope Francis has suggested that the coronavirus crisis may be an occasion to consider a universal basic wage—and...
Benedict Daswa / Church / Saints
by Kilian SC · Published February 19, 2020 · Last modified February 14, 2020
A new church dedicated to South Africa’s first beatus has been built in the diocese of Dundee in KwaZulu-Natal. Bishop Graham Rose opened Bl Benedict Daswa church...
by Kilian SC · Published February 18, 2020 · Last modified February 14, 2020
After 52 years in South Africa, the former provincial superior of the Pallottine Missionary Sisters has returned to Germany. St Joseph’s Home for chronically ill children in...
The Jesuit Institute will bring three top speakers to South Africa this year, including one who will speak on the theme of “Suffering, Resistance and Hope in...
Where does it hurt? That is the key theological question of the day, a priest told the annual Dominican Day at Koinonia in Johannesburg. The day, themed...
Catholic schools in Port Elizabeth have agreed to strengthen the religious formation of their learners, after the Catholic Board of Education of the Eastern Cape South met...
Sometimes we just need to pause and reflect a little, writes Chris McDonnell. Often, when I was preparing young children to read at assembly in school, I...
By Fr Paul Tatu CSS – A visit to the headquarters of the Southern African Catholic Bishops’ Conference (SACBC) was an eye-opener for many seminarians at St John Vianney Seminary in...
Church / Death / Religious Life
by Kilian SC · Published September 30, 2019 · Last modified September 27, 2019
By Sr Annemarie Niehsen SAC – Pallottine Sister Mary Virginia Fredericks died on August 14 at the age of 91. Born Magdalena Fredericks in George on August...