Beijing Retains a Tight Grip on the Church
The Chinese Communist Party’s top leader in charge of religion has made it clear that Beijing intends to retain a tight grip on the Catholic Church. Yu...
The Chinese Communist Party’s top leader in charge of religion has made it clear that Beijing intends to retain a tight grip on the Catholic Church. Yu...
Does God favour some and not others – like Cain and Abel? Why do some people have a happy life, while others have it so hard? I...
Christian Living / lay ministry / Mary
by Caleb SC · Published July 30, 2017 · Last modified July 28, 2017
A stick may be thought of as having very little use except as firewood, but for Les Johnson each stick is the start of a journey –...
When retired Pope Benedict XVI sent a personal message to be read at the funeral of Cardinal Joachim Meisner in Cologne, it was received with loud applause...
We were taught that the host contains the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. Why, then, are we also offered the chalice at Communion these days? Angela...
A glance, a thought, a prayer are what St. Nicholas Byzantine Catholic Parish had hoped to inspire in commuters when it launched its first billboard campaign in...
Christian Living / Nthabiseng Maphisa
by Nthabiseng Maphisa · Published July 29, 2017 · Last modified September 20, 2017
Nthabiseng Maphisa examines the impact of the way we dress. As Christians our goal is always to allow Christ to shine through us – in the way we act, treat others and yes, in how we dress
Are the faithful saved individually or as a community of believers? A friend quotes this text: If your lips confess that Jesus is Lord and if you...
»Church licence law ‘could limit freedoms’ »What does ‘laicising’ a priest mean? »The tradition of Jerusalem’s ‘holy tattoo’ »The need to share ‘dangerous memories’ »Why Jesus wants...
Original sin is the sin of disobedience to God committed by Adam, yet we his descendants are tainted by that sin: “By one man’s disobedience many were...