Vote Wisely
When South Africans go to the polls on August 3 to elect their municipal governments, more will be at stake than which local politicians and community leaders...
When South Africans go to the polls on August 3 to elect their municipal governments, more will be at stake than which local politicians and community leaders...
Are you caught up in the rat race or do you get a chance to sharpen the axe and refuel the spirit? GRAHAM WILLIAMS makes the case for...
Pilgrimage destinations like the Holy Land and Rome are well-known, but there are many others. PAT McCARTHY looks at eight hugely popular sites. For a Catholic, a pilgrimage is...
» With God on the Football Pitch » Where are the Men in our Churches? » Full-page Assumption Poster » Laity should offer expertise to the Church
When journalist MARY REZAC sounded out her Catholic Facebook friends on mental health and faith, the response taught her some important lessons. A few weeks ago, I put...
When the Catholic Parliamentary Liaison Office (CPLO) hosted a roundtable debate on the election for the three major political parties recently, I was glad the United Democratic...
At any moment, you could be within 30 minutes of being incinerated from nuclear weapons. Considering that radiation fallout from a nuclear attack would hurt virtually everyone, and...
Liturgical Calendar Year C, Weekdays Cycle Year 2 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time Sunday July 31 Ecclesiastes 1:2; 2:21-23, Psalms 90:3-6, 12-14, 17, Colossians 3:1-5, 9-11, Luke...
While most U.S. bishops have not publicly addressed comments from Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump regarding immigration, a popular U.S. cardinal and adviser to the pope said...