5 Ways to Balance Out Ash Wednesday/Valentine’s Day
The last time Ash Wednesday and Valentine’s Day fell together on the same day was in 2018 and before that in 1945. This may be a cause...
The last time Ash Wednesday and Valentine’s Day fell together on the same day was in 2018 and before that in 1945. This may be a cause...
Catholic Parliamentary Liaison / Ethics & Human Dignity / Justice & Peace / Nereesha Patel
by Nereesha Patel · Published June 26, 2018 · Last modified June 25, 2018
The CPLO has warned that shack-building is increasing due to high levels of unemployment and urbanisation, with the number of households living in backyard-dwellings up by 55% during the previous decade.
There are not enough places in schools for special needs children, but some could be accommodated in mainstream schools, as NEREESHA PATEL reports.
For many learners, maths is a nightmare subject, and studies show that South Africa has a maths crisis. NEREESHA PATEL spoke to an expert on how to address this crisis, in schools and at home.
For children of all ages, going to school can be an enjoyable experience or an overwhelming occurrence. Whether your child is just starting or is far along in their pre-primary, junior or high school studies, helping them to navigate their educational journey is bound to be full of ups and downs.
Catechesis / Church / Nereesha Patel
by Nereesha Patel · Published May 19, 2018 · Last modified January 21, 2021
A veteran priest shared from his wisdom in a Q&A session with youths. Mgr Paul Nadal, former vicar-general of Durban archdiocese, led the session at Holy Trinity...
Zimbabwe’s political and economic climate is still quite fragile, according to a report compiled by members of the Denis Hurley Peace Institute (DHPI) who visited Zimbabwe last...
Several mothers are mentioned in the Bible, all of whom have been able to teach us important lessons to guide us through life – just like our own mothers! In honour of Mother’s Day, we want to share with you the ten most influential mothers from the Bible.
Christian Living / Education / Nereesha Patel / Parish Life
by Nereesha Patel · Published May 8, 2018 · Last modified May 6, 2018
Author Marco Broccardo visited Holy Rosary High School in Edenvale, Johannesburg, to speak about his new book Rocks: One Man’s Climb from Drugs to Dreams. In his...
Church / Nereesha Patel / Religious Life
by Nereesha Patel · Published May 3, 2018 · Last modified May 2, 2018
Fr David Rowan SJ, Jesuit regional superior in South Africa, has been elected president of the umbrella body for religious congregations and orders in Southern Africa. The...