Pope: Heaven is an Encounter with Jesus, not a Boring Waiting Room
Heaven is not an eternally dull existence but rather the completion of a journey toward a promised encounter with the Lord, Pope Francis said.
Christian Living / Heaven / Holiness and Sanctification / Pope Francis
by Caleb SC · Published April 30, 2018 · Last modified April 29, 2018
Heaven is not an eternally dull existence but rather the completion of a journey toward a promised encounter with the Lord, Pope Francis said.
Ethics & Human Dignity / Human Rights
by Kilian SC · Published April 30, 2018 · Last modified May 1, 2018
A disaster in a building of clothing factories in Bangladesh five years ago changed fashion forever, with many now insisting on ethical production and consumption, as South African fashion writer CLOUDS DRUMMOND explains.
The annual Little Eden Society Fête will take place on Saturday, May 5, at the Domitilla & Danny Hyams Home (corner Harris Avenue & Wagenaar Road, Edenglen,...
The late Fr Ted Rogers deserves credit for having taken a bold step to acknowledge the missionaries who were killed during the Rhodesian/Zimbabwean war of independence.
For almost half of the 200-year existence of the Catholic Church in South Africa, this newspaper has edified, educated and entertained many generations of the faithful.
In two years’ time, in October 2020, we will celebrate the 100th birthday of The Southern Cross, being able to reflect on a century of spreading the Good News
Pope Francis / Saints / Vocations
by Kilian SC · Published April 29, 2018 · Last modified April 26, 2018
The current “culture of the temporary” makes it more difficult than ever for young people to make lifelong commitments to God, Pope Francis told a group of...
Durban Catholic Paddy Kearney was presented by Cardinal Wilfrid Napier with the papal Bene Merenti medal at a Mass in Emmanuel cathedral.
Church / Pastoral Care / Preaching / Priests
by asiel · Published April 28, 2018 · Last modified April 25, 2018
Homilies must be relevant to those who hear them, and there are ways to achieve that, as KELVIN BANDA OP explains. Religious orders or congregations tend not to train their members on how to give a good homily. It is the people whom we serve who aid us in preparing and giving our best homilies.
Ordaining 16 men to the priesthood, Pope Francis urged them to be merciful with the people who approach them, especially in the confessional.
Liturgical Calendar Year B Weekday Cycle 2 Sunday, April 29, 5th Sunday of Easter Acts 9:26-31, Psalm 22:26-28, 30-32, 1 John 3:18-24, John 15:1-8 Monday, April 30,...