Our Prayers for 2020
Every year we issue our prayer intentions for the coming year. Usually, we include both local and global issues, but this past year has thrown up...
Every year we issue our prayer intentions for the coming year. Usually, we include both local and global issues, but this past year has thrown up...
by Admin · Published December 22, 2019 · Last modified December 19, 2019
Guest Editorial by Bishop Sylvester David OMI, auxiliary bishop of Cape Town In 1966 the famed duo Simon & Garfunkel recorded a song entitled “Silent Night/7 O’Clock...
by Editor · Published December 15, 2019 · Last modified December 11, 2019
At this time of the year, Catholics are liable to be lectured with the inaccurate notion that the celebration of Christmas on December 25 derives from an...
The two areas where the teachings of the Church are most at odds with mainstream secular society are those of sexual ethics and reproduction. While the Church...
For Catholics, the Advent season should create a tension in reconciling the secular and the holy elements of the weeks leading up to Christmas. More scrupulous Catholics...
Some of the protests against the recent Synod of Bishops on the Amazon seemed to insist that there can be only one valid expression of Catholicism: the...
In the face of climate change we will have to get used to increasingly frequent droughts in South Africa, a country in which many regions are...
The blistering outrage over a school art project that was considered by some to be blasphemous holds lessons for all involved, including those who registered their...
Editorials 2019 / Feast Days / Saints / Shackleton
by Michael Shackleton · Published November 3, 2019 · Last modified October 31, 2019
Guest Editorial by Michael Shackleton Celebrating the memory of the great saints of the Church is an annual time to be happy, as it is on All...
by Michael Shackleton · Published October 27, 2019 · Last modified October 28, 2019
Guest Editorial by Michael Shackleton Saint Ambrose, the fourth-century bishop of Milan, coined the phrase “Ubi Petrus ibi Ecclesia” (Where Peter is, the Church is). He...