Editorials 2019

Our Prayers for 2020

  Every year we issue our prayer intentions for the coming year. Usually, we include both local and global issues, but this past year has thrown up...

Teaching About Sex

The two areas where the teachings of the Church are most at odds with mainstream secular society are those of sexual ethics and reproduction. While the Church...

Peace Amid the Noise

For Catholics, the Advent season should create a tension in reconciling the secular and the holy elements of the weeks leading up to Christmas. More scrupulous Catholics...

The Diversity in Catholicism

Some of the protests against the recent Synod of Bishops on the Amazon seemed to insist that there can be only one valid expression of Catholicism: the...

To Be Waterwise

  In the face of climate change we will have to get used to increasingly frequent droughts in South Africa, a country in which many regions are...

The Tensions of Art

  The blistering outrage over a school art project that was considered by some to be blasphemous holds lessons for all involved, including those who registered their...